<研究創案ノート>レバノンにおけるパレスチナ人難民の包摂と排除 --現代中東における少数派と権力分有構造--

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  • 岡部 友樹


  • <Research Note>Inclusion and Exclusion of Palestinian Refugees in Lebanon: Minorities and the Power Sharing Regime in Contemporary Middle East
  • レバノンにおけるパレスチナ人難民の包摂と排除 : 現代中東における少数派と権力分有構造
  • レバノン ニ オケル パレスチナジン ナンミン ノ ホウセツ ト ハイジョ : ゲンダイ チュウトウ ニ オケル ショウスウハ ト ケンリョク ブンユウ コウゾウ



This research note primarily investigates the state-minority relationships in the Middle East by focusing on Palestinian refugees in Lebanon. In deeply divided societies, the way to secure political stability has been studies by consociational school led by Arend Lijphart. In contrast to the chain of academic currents, Ian S. Lustick's theory of "control" offers another perspective. Based on later theory that stipulates the control of the minority for achieving achieve political stability, I would like to hypothesize a new perspective to understand how the Lebanese government and Palestinian refugees are intertwined. To expand the field of state-minority theory, I first review literatures that address minority issues in the Middle East and their connections with state governance. Second, I provide a brief outline of the Palestinians' history in Lebanon, where they are marginalized outside of formal institutions. Third, I detail the decision to create the governmental organization "Lebanese-Palestinian Dialogue Committee (LPDC), " which was founded in 2005, to highlight a specific case for contemplating the state-minority relationship. This case illustrates how the state came to organize certain policies concerning minority problems, and conversely, how the minority seeks to interact with state. This results in a final crystallization of state policy towards the minority.


  • イスラーム世界研究

    イスラーム世界研究 11 304-312, 2018-03-23



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