視覚障害者サッカー(Blind Football)の現状と展望(II)


  • シカク ショウガイシャ サッカー Blind Football ノ ゲンジョウ ト テンボウ 2
  • The Current Status and Future Prospects of Blind Football(II)




本研究は,障害者スポーツの一種目としての視覚障害者サッカーの今後の普及と発展を願って,筆者自身のサポーター活動経験と各チームへの調査をまじえながら,視覚障害者サッカーの現状と問題点を考察し今後の展望を試みることを目的とした研究(「視覚障害者サッカー(Blind Football)の現状と展望(I)」長澤由季,入口豊,大阪教育大学紀要,第IV部門 57巻2号 pp.69-82. 2009)の第二報である。特に本稿では,(1)アンケート調査による視覚障害者サッカーチームの現状と問題点,(2)Jリーグ各チームの障害者サッカーの取り組みを中心に事例的に検討を加えた。

Football 5-a-Side ( Blind Football ) is open to athletes with blindness

visual impairment, with the possibility of one sighted player as the goalkeeper. There are five players per team and each game lasts 50 minutes. Rules are the same as able-bodied Football with certain modifications; the ball makes a noise when it moves, the goalkeepers may be sighted and act as guides during the game, the rest of the team uses eye shades to ensure fairness, there are five players on a team rather than 11, the field of play measurements are smaller and there is no offside rule. The game consists of two halves of 25 minutes each. The Football Subcommittee of the International Blind Sports Federation (IBSA) governs this sport, following modified rules of the International Federation of Associated Football (FIFA). In 2008, it is practiced by athletes in 35 countries. This is the continued study from the previous reports with the same title: “The Current Status and Future Prospects of Blind Football (I) ", (Memoirs of Osaka Kyoiku University, Ser.IV.Vol.57-2., 2009, pp.69-82.) Especially, the purpose of the present study is to examine the cases of the blind football teams in Japan and the commitment for the disabled person's football of J- league teams.


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