鹿児島県布計鉱山の金鉱石にともなう粘土鉱物 : とくに緑泥石ーサポナイト混合層鉱物について

DOI HANDLE Web Site オープンアクセス


  • Clay minerals associated with gold ores from the Fuke mine, Kagoshima Prefecture, with special reference to chlorite-saponite interstratified mineral
  • カゴシマケンフケイ コウザン ノ キンコウセキ ニ トモナウ ネンド コウブツ トクニ リョク デイセキ-サポナイト コンゴウソウ コウブツ ニ ツイテ



The green clay associated with gold ores of the Fuke mine, was examined by Xray and infrared analyses. It is concluded that this clay consists mainly of interstratified chlorite-saponite minerals with small amounts of kaolin minerals. Montmorillonite is often associated with the interstratified chlorite-saponite. Pure<2μ fraction of the interstratified chlorite-saponite minerals was obtained by the sedimentation method. The chemical composition of this mineral is as follows: SiO_2 36.76, TiO_2 0.03 Al_2O_3 15.14, Fe_2O_3 1.12, FeO 8.02, MnO 0.361, MgO 21.71, CaO 0.95, Na_2O 0.03, K_2O 0.015, H_2O 15.82, P_2O_5 0.003, LiO 0.01, SrO 0.01, total 99.8_9%. The stractural formula was obtained as (Ca_0.179Na_0.011k_0.004)) nH_2O (Al_1.635Fe^+3_0.148Fe^+2_1.183Mg_5.791) (Si_6.486Al_1.514) O_20 (OH)_10. DTA and I.R. data are also described.


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