Theoretical development of the Partnership for Community-University Engagement Programs
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- Other Title
- 大学のコミュニティ・エンゲージメントにおけるパートナーシップ論
- ダイガク ノ コミュニティ ・ エンゲージメント ニ オケル パートナーシップロン
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One of the most significant trends in recent higher education is that many worldwide universities are focused on the theoretical and practical development of Community-University Engagement (CUE). This paper examines the role and purpose of CUE and the importance of partnership in the program. The partnership should be the process of shaping a genuinely mutual understanding between university, students, and community to achieve some common goals: the integration of teaching with research, enhancing learning and teaching knowledge and skills, transferring or democratizing education for community development, students’ confidence building, achieving empowerment and personal autonomy, etc. It is also recognized that the partnership is a process of sharing all methods of decision-making openly, by which we can share leadership, and the outcomes or benefits. In this paper, we also propose the significance of “inclusive” partnership and moral activities that are toleration, patience, mutual respect, reciprocity, and trust.
- Japanology
Japanology 5 (0), 65-78, 2020
Kyoto University of Foreign Studies International Society of Language Culture
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390853719908642816
- NII Article ID
- 130008140657
- NII Book ID
- AA12918269
- 24240478
- 2424046X
- 030653423
- Text Lang
- ja
- Data Source
- JaLC
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- CiNii Articles
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