Uniform Hot Compression of Nickel-based Superalloy 720Li under Isothermal and Low Friction Conditions
- Horikoshi Satoko
- School of Engineering, Tokyo Denki University, now Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo
- Yanagida Akira
- School of Engineering, Tokyo Denki University
- Yanagimoto Jun
- School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo
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- Other Title
- 温度および摩擦制御によるNi基超合金(Alloy720Li)の熱間均一圧縮試験
- オンド オヨビ マサツ セイギョ ニ ヨル Niキ チョウゴウキン(Alloy720Li)ノ ネツカン キンイツ アッシュク シケン
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<p>Isothermal compression tests at 1000°C and 0.1 s–1 strain rate, in which mica or glass sheets were used as a lubricant, were conducted. Isothermal condition was achieved by placing high-heat-resistant (HHR) alloys between a workpiece and ceramic tools in the induction-heating configuration to prevent heat from escaping to the ceramic tools. To perform high compression tests, it was necessary to increase the diameter of the HHR alloy, for which a new single-turn coil was designed using FEM calculation coupled with deformation-temperature electromagnetic fields. In order to obtain the correct flow stress, inverse analysis was conducted using the FEM calculation, in which temperature and strain rate fluctuations were compensated. However, the compensation was insufficient when the distribution of temperature and strain rate was large. The use of glass sheets as a lubricant considerably reduced friction and uniform deformation was achieved. Thus, flow stress obtained using the inverse analysis became extremely reliable. The flow stress of mica obtained using inverse analysis with a constant friction coefficient was different from that of glass. Introducing new friction model that the friction coefficient changed from 0.02 to 0.3, the flow stress of mica was consistent with that of glass. Therefore, the flow stress obtained using the inverse analysis for the new configuration proposed in this study proved to be reliable.</p>
- Tetsu-to-Hagane
Tetsu-to-Hagane 108 (2), 107-119, 2022
The Iron and Steel Institute of Japan
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390853879727750272
- NII Article ID
- 130008149099
- 130007956946
- NII Book ID
- AN00151251
- 18832954
- 13475460
- 00211575
- 09151559
- 031952509
- Text Lang
- ja
- Data Source
- JaLC
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- OpenAIRE
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