Effects of O and Al Addition on T winning Deformation in Titanium
- Kyuhu University
- KUNIEDA Tomonori
- 日本製鉄株式会社鉄鋼研究所
- MITSUHARA Masatoshi
- 日本製鉄株式会社鉄鋼研究所
- NAKASHIMA Hideharu
- 日本製鉄株式会社鉄鋼研究所
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- Other Title
- チタンの双晶変形に及ぼすOおよびAl添加の影響
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Active twinning systems during compression deformation at temperatures from 25°C to 700°C were investigated using SEM/EBSD techniques in order to clarify the effects of oxygen and aluminum addition on twinning deformation in titanium. Four twinning systems have been confirmed in commercially pure titanium, Ti-0.2mass%O and Ti-2mass%Al under compression at 10% strain. The addition of oxygen suppresses the activity of all the twin systems at 25°C, but only slightly above 200°C. On the other hand, the addition of aluminum suppressed the activity of only the {112̅2} twin. It is supposed that the suppressive effect of the oxygen addition is mediated by thermal activation processes such as diffusion and lattice vibration, while that of the aluminum addition is brought about by the suppression of <c^+a> slip.
- 九州大学大学院総合理工学報告
九州大学大学院総合理工学報告 43 (2), 29-36, 2022-02
Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Engineering Sciences, Kyushu University
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390854717417129344
- NII Article ID
- 120007193385
- NII Book ID
- AA1147319X
- 10.15017/4763153
- 2324/4763153
- Text Lang
- ja
- Data Source
- JaLC
- CiNii Articles
- Abstract License Flag
- Allowed