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A大学看護学部では,老年看護学の臨地実習を認知症高齢者グループホームで実施している。実習施設で の学生受け入れの事情に配慮し,週1回学内演習を取り入れている。本研究では,学内演習でおこなってい る文献抄読の役立ちと教育効果を明らかにすることが目的である。老年看護学実習を体験した64名を対象に, 学生への質問紙調査と学内演習記録の分析を行なった。質問紙調査では(1)文献選択の理由と(2)文献抄 読の演習評価を4件法で回答を求めた。演習に対する評価の平均は4点中3.1点であった。学生個々の関心によ る文献の選択は多様であった。グループホームという限られた実習の場においては,直接役立ち感は少なか ったが,文献抄読演習の評価は高く,視野の広がりへの教育効果は得られた。

Students in A College of nursing had clinical geriatric nursing practice in the group homes for the elderly with dementia. Because of insufficiency of the practice facilities, the campus practice was carried out once a week. The purpose of this study was to clarify the usefulness and educational effects of reading any papers concerning the care of the elderly for the campus practice. Questionnaires of 64 students who took geriatrics nursing practice were analyzed in terms of the choice of papers and the reading ability of the students. Then the results were evaluated in the grade of four scores. The average score was 3.1 of 4 full points. Many sorts of papers were selected by the student due to a wide range of their interests. These findings indicated that the campus practice was effective for the students having clinical geriatrics nursing practice.


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