An Analysis on the Relationship between Taste Sensitivities and Consumer Preferences

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Other Title
  • 消費者の味覚意識と嗜好性評価の関係に関する分析
  • Consumer Evaluation of Strawberries through a Home-Use Test
  • -イチゴのホームユーステストをもとに-


This study analyzed the relationship between taste sensitivities and consumer preferences of strawberries. We conducted a home-use test with three varieties of strawberries. As a result, we found that the preferences for sweetness and sour intensity have a relationship with consumer preferences of strawberries. More specifically, people who have a strong sweetness or weak sourness preference favored strawberries with high sugar content more than strawberries with low sugar content across all varieties. Thus, displaying the sugar content on strawberry packages would be effective for increasing the consumption of strawberries by those who have a strong sweetness preference.



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