Exposure of tree roots and its control factors in a mixed temperate forest with no understory vegetation

  • Abe Hayato
    Graduate School of Bioresource and Bioenvironmental Sciences, Kyushu University
  • Fu Dongchuan
    Graduate School of Bioresource and Bioenvironmental Sciences, Kyushu University
  • Kume Tomonori
    Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University
  • Katayama Ayumi
    Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University

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  • カソウショクセイ ガ ショウシツ シタ シンコウコンコウリン ニ オケル ジュモク コンケイ ノ ロシュツ ト ソノ セイギョ ヨウイン

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Since around 1980, soil erosion has been progressing due to the reduction of the understory vegetation caused by the overpopulation of Sika deer (Cervus nippon) in the Shiiba Research Forest, Kyushu University. The exposed tree roots can be used as an index of soil erosion. This study aims to evaluate the characteristics of the exposed roots and clarify the factors relating to the exposed root in the Siiba Research Forest. We investigated the vertical height from the soil surface to exposed roots (exposed root height) of Tsuga sieboldii, Quercus salicina, Quercus crispula, Fagus crenata, and Magnolia obovata. We evaluated the relationship between exposed root height and tree size, slope angle, and litter amount on the forest floor. Exposed roots tended to appear downslope of the study trees. The maximum exposed root height of all tree species was 17.1±6.5cm. Regardless of tree species, the maximum exposed root height was positively correlated with tree height (Pearson correlation coefficient: r=0.35, p= 0.07) and negatively correlated with litter amount (r=-0.35, p= 0.07). These results suggested that extent of soil erosion around trees and among trees were spatially heterogeneous, especially strong in around trees with high tree height and low litter amount on the forest floor.


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