無敵の兵法を求めて : 小早川隆景寿像賛の検討

DOI 機関リポジトリ HANDLE Web Site オープンアクセス


  • In search of the invincible art of war : study of the eulogy on the portrait of KOBAYAKAWA Takakage
  • ムテキ ノ ヘイホウ オ モトメテ : コバヤカワリュウケイジュゾウサン ノ ケントウ



This paper discusses the eulogy on a portrait (before death) of KOBAYAKAWA Takakage written by GYOKUCHU Soshu in 1590. The portrait is a legacy of the Obai-in sub-temple of the Daitoku-ji temple. Zhang Liang the ancient Chinese military strategist, is considered to be a theme of the eulogy on the portrait. In the original text of the Shiji, the Records of the Grand Historian, he was described as the mentor of the emperor, teaching him the will of the universe and nature. The Gozan literature of the Muromachi period (1336–1573) notes that natural phenomena must be observed in order to understand Zhang Liang. However, when the upheaval due to warring states became more serious in Japan, warriors began to show pretentions and arrogance in attempting to defeat enemies with greater ability than Zhang Liang. MORI Motonari taught his sons, including Takakage, to be ‘better than Zhang Liang’ by obtaining true obedience from their retainers, who were supposed to be the enemies within. Takakage, who absorbed the teachings of his father, began to feel increasing concern about his nephew, MORI Terumoto, who was the lord of the family but not good at building good relationships with its retainers. Takakage thought that his nephew’s lack of ability could lead to the fall of the family. When GYOKUCHU was asked by Takakage, in his considerable anxiety, to write a eulogy on his portrait, the former described the importance of understanding the inviolable laws of nature, by focusing on a feeling prompted by Zhang Liang’s ‘female-like’ appearance described in the Shiji, rejecting Motonari’s tactics of defeating all men. This teaching of GYOKUCHU’s served to release Takakage from the spell of his father, Motonari, but also offers interesting material from the perspective of the history of science, with respect to the relationship between people and nature.




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