空間視知覚の方法論的検討 : 大きさの恒常現象に関連して

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  • A Study of the Cognitive Process in Visual Size Perception
  • クウカンシ チカク ノ ホウホウロンテキ ケントウ オオキサ ノ コウジョウ ゲンショウ ニ カンレン シテ



Problems of size-constancy have been explored in the context of human adjustment to his environmental world. In this article, the signal detection theory is applied to analyse the seeing behavior that provides size-constancy phenomenon. Human seeing behavior is distinguished by two hypothetical processes; a) sensory and b) cognitive. a) While sensory datum on the retinal surface must be bi-demensional, we anyway see the world tri-dimensionally. This transformation would be attained in the sensory process on the basis of early experience or maturation, and it suggests the existence of some 'scales' or the reference system of which characteristics are postulated in the statements I, II and III. I Subjective standard for size-recognition is given to make his behavior effective in his surroundings. II Occasional change of retinal image size co-operates with his subjective standard to construct the scales (the unit of size-judgment) on his retinal surface. III The scales established on his retinal surface have a specific gradient represented in equation (3), which is called the reference system. b) Apparent size of object is determinated by the individual choice of experimentally prepared response categories. And this choice would be attained in the cognitive process, and it is considered as a result of an optimal selection of the scale in a given experimental condition. Hence the statements IV and V are postulated. VI The selection of the scale for the perceived retinal image gives a terminal (overt) response about size-recognition. V The selection of most optimum is reliable on all factors; individual and circumstantial. For an experimental verification of our assertions, the method of the signal detection theory is found to be useful. The parameter d' indicates the state of discriminability between a standardand a comparison-object. Results show a constant state in d' values at the viewing distances, 1, 3 and 6, and a decay at 10 (in meter). The parameter Lc (critical likelihood ratio) indicates the state of the optimal selection of the scale corresponding to the perceived standard-object. Results show a increasing tendency of Lc values; 0.81, 1.09, 1.48, for corresponding distances, 1, 3, 6 (in meter). It is assumed that the optimal selection of the reference system changes in such a way representative in increasing Lc values for increasing distance under the restriction of constant d' values. By an application of the signal detection theory we obtain an information about the cognitive process in visual size perception.


  • 哲學研究

    哲學研究 43 (10), 1111-1132, 1967-04-01

    京都哲學會 (京都大學文學部内)


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