Scenario Generation Method in Chatbot in Cooperation with External System

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  • チャットボットと外部システムとの連携のためのシナリオ生成方式


<p>The development of a chatbot requires the definition of a dialogue template for the chatbot, called a scenario. This paper proposes a method for generating the chatbot scenario using data from the external system, aiming to reduce the man-hours required for scenario definition and management. In the proposed method, the problem of the difference in format between the data of the external system and the chatbot scenario is solved by defining the mapping between the data. This mapping corresponds to two standard data structures in the external system: table format and object format. The scenario creator can create the mapping definition as a part of the scenario and can combine the scenario specific to the chatbot and the scenario generated from the external system. As a result of the trial, the proposed system reduces the required time for scenario creation by 50% compared with the existing method.</p>



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