Korean students who attended universities in the “Empire”

DOI IR (HANDLE) Web Site Open Access

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Other Title
  • 「帝国」の大学に学んだ朝鮮人学生
  • 「 テイコク 」 ノ ダイガク ニ マナンダ チョウセンジン ガクセイ

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What did the Empire of Japan want from the Koreans? What did it take from them? What did it give them? Conversely, what did Korean students want in return? One of the most prominent answers to this question is “educational background.” This was not a search for or condemnation of “pro-Japanese” groups nor an attempt to identify “patriots.” It was an honest attempt to track the formation and evolution of “academic background” in the contemporary Korean society. This paper aims to list all Korean students who attended Imperial University or its equivalent, as far as can be ascertained, including those who were forced to join the army during their studies.


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