The Historical Development of the Nishiyama Honmonji Temple

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  • 西山本門寺伽藍の変遷に関する一考察


<p>Based on the results of a survey of the historical materials held at the Nishiyama Honmonji 西山本門寺, this paper focuses on the development of temple buildings in the early modern period, which has not been examined in the past.</p><p>It was found that the Nishiyama Honmonji was a three-hall temple consisting of Honzon-dō本尊堂, Miei-dō御影堂, and Kaisan-dō開山堂 halls, and that these three halls existed all together by the Kanbun 寛文period (1661-1673) at the latest. In addition, the study revealed that the Kyaku-den客殿 was built in 1648 and reconstructed in 1700, the relationship between the construction of the Ten-dō天堂 and Suijaku-dō垂迹堂 halls and Tsuneko-naishinno常子内親王, and that the Kuromon黒門 gate was rebuilt at least three times.</p>



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