Cosmopolitan Academic Publics and International Japanese Studies : How and Who to discuss Japan?

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  • コスモポリタンなアカデミック・パブリクスと国際日本学 : 誰に向けて、どのように日本を語るか
  • コスモポリタン ナ アカデミック ・ パブリクス ト コクサイ ニホンガク : ダレ ニ ムケテ 、 ドノ ヨウ ニ ニホン オ カタル カ

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Under the neoliberal global order, “hasshin (literally means ʻdispatchʼ)” to the global academia by the Japanese scholars is becoming highly encouraged. In this context, the paper asks how one should consider the ways and approaches of natives in discussing Japan to the “others”? Regarding such a question, this paper examines two sets of issues. First, it analyzed the macro-structural change of global knowledge culture, especially after the 21st century. It shows that the globalization of knowledge under the neoliberal audit culture has brought structural change in the world system of knowledge. As an alternative to the “hasshin” strategy within the neoliberal global academia, this paper suggests the significance of discussing Japan within the cosmopolitan academic publics, a space of open and reflexive intellectual communication among transnational scholars. Based upon this notion of cosmopolitan academic publics, then we examined the practices and approaches while “natives” speak about Japan to the “others.” The paper argues the importance of distinguishing the readers in the area studies and discipline and discussing Japan differently to the audience in each fields. Especially, if we target the readers in disciplines who are not necessarily familiar with Japan, inserting the Japanese case in the existing literature on the global event or using the Japanese case to theorize would be fruitful to deliver Japan to a broader audience.


  • 国際日本学

    国際日本学 19 27-60, 2022-02-10


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