The Changing Role of Public Theaters: The Case of Sakura Hall, Kitakami City, Iwate Pref.


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Other Title
  • 公立劇場の利用価値とは:定量的推計の試み
  • ~岩手県北上市立さくらホールの事例~


<p>Public theaters established by local governments play an important role in local cultural promotion. They provide high quality stage performances for the local populace. However, public theaters are not immune from socio-economic changes and are under great pressure to contribute to the local community. In 2012, the Theater Law was enacted, clearly stating that theaters should be an “open space” for the assembly of local residents. In order to consider this new additional role, this study examines theater goers in detail, and estimates the use value from their theater visits. Taking the case of a typical local theater, Sakura Hall in Iwate Prefecture, which attracts approximately 250,000 visitors a year, we found that people visit the theater not only to attend performances but also for activities such as practicing artistic activities, studying, and attending meetings. Also, the study results indicated that the availability of these cultural activities in a broad sense, rather than based on specific profiles of attendees - age, gender, residential area, and profession - increases the number of theater visits, and a use value equivalent to about 400 million yen was estimated by the travel cost method, which is larger than the annual budget allocation from the local government.</p>


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