

  • Development of an occupational career maturity scale for nursing school faculties
  • カンゴ センモン ガッコウ キョウイン ノ ショクギョウ キャリア セイジュク シャクド ノ カイハツ




目的:看護教員の職業キャリア成熟尺度を作成し,その信頼性,妥当性を検証する.方法:半構造化面接で得られたデータを基に,6 因子47 項目からなる看護教員の職業キャリア成熟尺度原案を作成した.研究協力が得られた204 校の看護専門学校に勤務する専任教員1,478人を対象に調査を行い,項目分析,探索的因子分析,Cronbach’s α係数,併存尺度による基準関連妥当性を検討した.結果:回収数715 人,有効回答は710 人であった.3 因子13 項目が採択され,【職場での支え】,【教員としての力量】,【学生との相互作用】と命名した.Cronbach’s α係数は,0.79 であり内的整合性が確認された. 成人キャリア成熟尺度「職業キャリア」(ACMS)とスピリチュアリティ評定尺度A(SRS-A)の相関から基準関連妥当性が確認された.また,スピリチュアリティ評定尺度B(SRS-B)の回答内容を質的に分析した結果,本尺度の高群と低群との間に差異を認めた.結論:看護教員の職業キャリア成熟尺度の信頼性と妥当性が確認された.

Objective: To create an occupational career maturity scale for nursing school faculties and to investigate the reliability and validity of this scale.Methods: A draft occupational career maturity scale for nursing faculties composed of 6 factors and 47 items was created based on data obtained from semi-structured interviews. A survey using this draft scale was then conducted of 1,478 full-time faculties working at 204 nursing schools that agreed to participate in the study. The scale was investigated using item analysis, exploratory factor analysis, Cronbach’s alpha, and criterionrelated validity with existing scales.Results: Survey forms were recovered from 715 faculties and 710 forms contained valid responses. A 3-factor and 13-item scale was adopted. The three factors were named “support in the workplace,” “competence as an instructor,” and “interaction with students.” Cronbach’s alpha was .79, which confirmed the internal consistency. The criterion-related validity was confirmed based on correlations with “Occupational Career” in the Adult Career Maturity Scale (ACMS) and the Spirituality Rating Scale A (SRS-A). Qualitative analysis of the content of answers to the Spirituality Rating Scale B (SRS-B) also revealed differences between the high and low scoring groups for the present scale.Conclusions: The reliability and validity of the occupational career maturity scale for nursing faculties were confirmed.

identifier:看護ケアサイエンス学会誌, 20(2), 2022.3, pp111-126


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