A Report of the exhibition, “Tange Kenzo 1938–1970, From Pre-war period to Olympic Games and World Expo”


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Other Title
  • 「丹下健三 1938–1970 戦前からオリンピック・万博まで」展開催記録
  • Case Study of Exhibition from the Aspect of Archives
  • ―アーカイブズ展示の試み―


This paper is a report of the exhibition “Tange Kenzo 1938-1970, From Pre-war period to Olympic Games and World Expo” in 2021. The exhibition focused on the first half of the career of architect Tange and consisted of Sections, 1. War and Peace, 2. Modernity and Tradition, 3. Postwar Democracy and Government offices Architecture, 4. Challenge to Massive Space, 5. Designs in Information Society and High Economic Growth, and 6. Integration of the Five Keywords. There are approximately 170 pieces of materials on display. The exhibition was curated by Toyokawa Saikaku based on his research at NAMA, and the materials were selected from diverse collections. In this way, the exhibition was a case study in the disclosure of the architectural design process and the plurality of subjects involved in its creation, a characteristic of exhibitions using archival materials.


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