
  • 山本 孝典
    三洋化成工業株式会社 ウレタン材料事業本部研究部
  • 能勢 謙太
    三洋化成工業株式会社 ウレタン材料事業本部研究部
  • 小川 裕之
    三洋化成工業株式会社 ウレタン材料事業本部研究部


  • Environment-friendly Polyurethane Beads for Automotive Interiors


<p>Powder slush molding, which is one of the molding methods in automotive industries for the skin layer of instrument panels etc., has been adopted for a wide range of vehicle models, especially for luxury cars.</p><p>Recently, making various efforts to achieve carbon neutrality is considered as an important activity in automotive industries and there has been an increasing demand on slush molding materials for weight reduction of parts by higher durability, energy saving by molding at lower temperature. Furthermore, since the skin scraps produced at slush molding process are discarded currently, establishing a recycling system is our mission in terms of the circular economy.</p><p>This article describes the contribution to the automotive industries by launching “MELTEX LF” comparing conventional materials and our recent activities to achieve carbon neutrality by recycling the skin scraps.</p>


  • 粉体工学会誌

    粉体工学会誌 59 (12), 633-638, 2022-12-10

    一般社団法人 粉体工学会

詳細情報 詳細情報について

