The Revision of Prosthodontic Specialist System toward Certification by Japanese Dental Specialty Board: A Micro Perspective

  • Ayukawa Yasunori
    Division of Oral Rehabilitation, Faculty of Dental Science, Kyushu University

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Other Title
  • 日本歯科専門医機構の認証を目指し改定された日本補綴歯科学会の専門医制度:ミクロの視点
  • – Prosthodontist Education Curriculum –
  • ─補綴歯科専門医教育カリキュラム─


<p>Japan Prosthodontic Society (JPS) has been developing an education curriculum suitable for training board-certified prosthodontists as required by Japanese Dental Specialty Board (JDSB). The curriculum is now almost complete, and an overview of the curriculum was presented at the 131st Annual Meeting of JPS. Due to time constraints, we were not able to present some of the topics at the seminar, so we have written this article to let our members know about the contents of the education curriculum.</p><p>The curriculum design of board-certified prosthodontist system consists of a basic training program to acquire the basic knowledge and skills of a prosthodontist as a fundamental training program, which is followed by a case series-based evaluation and a competence-based evaluation from the viewpoint of the abilities that a prosthodontist should fulfill. These evaluations and the level of learning achievement are organized in the “Board-Certified Prosthodontist Training Evaluation Record”, which is a kind of practice book. This paper mainly outlines the method of filling out this evaluation record, and describes the credits and examinations required for certification as a specialist in prosthodontics accredited by JDSB.</p><p>The curriculum is currently being tested at various training institutions and will be revised from time to time to correct any inconsistencies or operational problems. We hope that it will serve as a reference for teaching young prosthodontists and for young dentists undergoing education.</p>


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