Analysis of the Impact of Self-esteem Needs Observed in SNS on the Leisure Market

  • Okada Yuta
    Department of Industrial Engineering and Economics, School of Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology
  • Ho Bach
    Department of Industrial Engineering and Economics, School of Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology
  • Senoo Dai
    Department of Industrial Engineering and Economics, School of Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology

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Other Title
  • SNSに見られる承認欲求の余暇市場への影響分析


<p>On SNS, topics with content characteristics, such as “girls camping" and “sauna girls", are sometimes used as a means of satisfying a self-esteem need. In this paper, the term "content" refers to the rarity of the target word itself or the content of the user's post, and the fact that it is spread through the share function of SNS. This study provides suggestions on how to effectively expand the market for hobbies and entertainment that involve going out using SNS among the leisure market, which has been depressed due to COVID-19. To this end, the data collected through interviews and questionnaires will be analyzed to determine the demand for the leisure market among women who use SNS.</p>


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