
  • 中村 基角
    王子総合病院耳鼻咽喉科 旭川厚生病院耳鼻咽喉科 旭川医科大学耳鼻咽喉科・頭頸部外科
  • 熊井 琢美
  • 吉崎 智貴


  • A Case of Recurrent Pleomorphic Adenoma of the Buccal Region Resected by Transoral Approach
  • クチ ウチノリ デ テキシュツ シエタ ソト セッカイ ゴ ノ ホオブ タケイセン シュ サイハツレイ



<p>Pleomorphic adenoma is the most common type of salivary gland tumors. The most frequently affected sites are the parotid for major and the palatal region for minor salivary glands. Pleomorphic adenoma arising in the buccal region is rare, and is difficult to resect because of cosmetic reasons.</p><p>Herein, we report a case of giant pleomorphic adenoma arising in the buccal region. The patient was an 89-year-old woman who presented with a swelling in the right buccal region. She had undergone resection by an external approach for a diagnosis of buccal pleomorphic adenoma 15 years ago. The tumor, which was located anterior to the masseter muscle, was resected via an intraoral approach, and the pathological diagnosis was pleomorphic adenoma without malignant transformation. Until the present, three years after the surgery, there has been no evidence of recurrence. In summary, transoral removal is a cosmetically feasible approach for minor salivary gland tumors. It is important to determine the surgical approach, including transoral or external incision, in individual cases by considering the histological type, anatomical location, and cosmetic aspects.</p>


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