戦後の在日朝鮮人女性の識字教育と自己表現 : 在日朝鮮人民族団体に着目して

DOI 機関リポジトリ HANDLE オープンアクセス


  • Literacy education and self-expression of Zainichi Korean women in Japan after the war : Focusing on the ethnic groups of Zainichi Koreans in Japan


This article focuses on the self-expression of Zainichi Korean women in Japan. Among them, postwar women from ethnic groups who received literacy education were analyzed. To those women, who had been unable to acquire literacy due to poverty or social oppression, it was a social practice that brought about a transformation in a person’s life by giving them the opportunity to learn letters. The ethnic discrimination in Japanese society goes without saying, as well as the feudalistic ideology that “women serve their fathers, husbands, and sons,” and the poverty exacerbated by colonial rule. These women have survived through multiple hardships. Their writings will be an important starting point in our search for the image of these women today, as time passes and their stories may disappear.


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