
DOI 機関リポジトリ HANDLE オープンアクセス


  • Haruomi Hosono’s Imagination in the 1990s on Ambient Music


This paper focuses on the creative activities and thoughts of the Japanese musician Haruomi Hosono in the 1990s. At that time, Hosono had been immersed in ambient music. Ambient music is an auditory expression that consists of sustained synthesizer sounds and sampled sounds, and comparatively quiet and gradual transformations of sounds. In 1993, Hosono released a work called “Medicine Compilation”. This is his most important ambient music work. In 1995, Hosono wrote an essay titled “The Ambient Driver”. In it, he expressed his own thoughts on what is meant by ‘ambient’. In the process, he defended the values of marginalized cultures represented by Native Americans, while criticizing modern times. At the same time, however, he fell into occultism. He equated listening to ambient music with immersing himself in a transcendental world. It was possible that his attitude was not unrelated to Aum Shinrikyo, which caused incidents around 1995. To date, however, he has not specifically responded to his own responsibility for these circumstances. By the way, in the 2020s, ambient music has become popular with many people. In the “corona disaster”, people may be thinking that they want to listen to ambient music and be healed. Hosono said that people who listen to ambient music are introverts. The ambient music of the 1990s was associated with such politics, but the ambient music of the 2020s is listened to with such politics forgotten. By focusing on discourses in the 1990s and 2020s, this paper highlights the differences in how ambient music is heard.


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