ハンガリーにおける日本人論~ 19 世紀後半から第二次世界大戦までに出版された書籍を読み解く~

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  • ハンガリー ニ オケル ニホンジン ロン 19セイキ コウハン カラ ダイ ニジ セカイタイセン マデ ニ シュッパン サレタ ショセキ オ ヨミトク

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冷戦が終結して30 年が経ったが東欧のハンガリーは未だ日本にとり馴染みの薄い国である。一方、日本・ハンガリー関係史を繙くと戦前には意外にも密接な交流があった。元々東方から民族移動してきたハンガリーでは日本に対する親近感があり関心も高かった。今回は19 世紀末の両国関係黎明期から第二次世界大戦までに出版された日本に関する書物を18 冊選んで紹介と分析を試みる。日本では知られざる作品を通して特に日本人論に光を当てる。どんな日本人像が書かれ、ハンガリー人は何に関心を持ち誰と交流したのだろうか。なお文末に書誌情報を加える。It has been 30 years since the end of the Cold War, but Hungary, a Former Eastern Bloc Country, is still unfamiliar to most Japanese. By examining the history of Japanese-Hungarian relations, one can find that there was a surprisingly close exchange between the two countries before the War. Hungary was initially established through ethnic migration from the east, and the Hungarian people have a traditional affinity for and interest in Japan. This article will introduce and analyze a number of publications on Japan, ranging from the beginnings of bilateral relations at the end of the 19th century to World War II. In a time when travel was not yet easy between the two countries, one can find great number of interesting works in which one can discover a rich cultural heritage. And many of these works, which are almost unknown in Japan, can shed light on the nihonjinron( Japanese exceptionalism) as viewed by Hungarians. Who were the authors of these works and what kind of images of Japanese people did they portray? What topics were the authors interested in and with whom did they interact, and how did the contents of these works change over time?

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