CO<sub>2</sub> Reduction Due to Shift from Trucks to Coasters of Domestic Transport of Seaborne Trade Containers


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Other Title
  • 輸出入コンテナ貨物の国内輸送の内航船へのシフトによるCO<sub>2</sub>削減効果


<p>Synopsis</p><p>Intensive investigations based on various suiveyors' reports are made on reductive efficiency of the amount of CO2 discharge due to modal shift from trucks to coasters of domestic transport of seabome trade containers. As a result, it is made clear that the shift is efficient to the reduction not only of CO2, discharge but also of the amount of fuel consumption and freight charges. </p>


  • Journal of JACZS

    Journal of JACZS 13 (1), 179-187, 2001

    Japanese Association for Coastal Zone Studies

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