Regulation of intestinal fat accumulation by whole-body circular neural circuits during cold tolerance and acclimation in nematode C. elegans

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  • 線虫C. elegansの低温耐性・馴化における全身周回性の神経回路による腸の脂肪蓄積の制御
  • センチュウ C. elegans ノ テイオン タイセイ ・ ジュンカ ニ オケル ゼンシン シュウカイセイ ノ シンケイ カイロ ニ ヨル チョウ ノ シボウ チクセキ ノ セイギョ

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As a model for analyzing cold tolerance and acclimation strategies in animals, we introduce the latest research on cold response and cold tolerance in the nematode C. elegans. C. elegans is one of the ultimate model animals, combining the classic strengths of powerful genetics that are second to none in its elegant appearance, with the latest scientific resources, including whole brain imaging and a transcriptome database of all 302 single neurons in the animal. This paper outlines the recent study of the molecular and tissue networks underlying the cold tolerance and temperature acclimation of C. elegans. Even those the person outside the field will be fascinated by the unexpected molecular and tissue-mediated regulatory mechanisms of cold tolerance that have been discovered in a simple model.


  • 低温科学

    低温科学 81 19-26, 2023-03-20


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