教育学におけるムフ研究の特徴と課題 ― 市民性教育における先行研究を中心に ―


  • The Characteristics and Issues in Educational Research of Chantal Mouffe -Focusing on Previous Studies in Citizenship Education-
  • キョウイクガク ニ オケル ムフ ケンキュウ ノ トクチョウ ト カダイ : シミン セイキョウイク ニ オケル センコウ ケンキュウ オ チュウシン ニ



This study shows the characteristics and issues in educational research of Chantal Mouffe. Mouffe’s democratic theory has been conceived as an alternative to deliberative democracy, and has received attention in education, mainly in the field of citizenship education. However, there is little research of reviewing these previous studies. This article summarizes the main points of agonistic democracy, which have been the focus of much attention in citizenship education. It then examines how they are used and discussed in the field of citizenship education. This study raises the following three issues for previous studies on agonistic democracy in citizenship education: (1)Failure to fully consider the potential of Mouffe?s critique of deliberative democracy. (2)Showing the originality in agonistic citizenship education, and (3)Showing the potential of left populism.


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