

  • Role Behavior of Nursing Managers Who Completed Graduate School of Nursing
  • カンゴケイ ダイガクイン オ シュウリョウ シタ カンゴ カンリシャ ノ ヤクワリ コウドウ



目的 看護系大学院を修了した看護管理者の役割行動を明らかにすることである. 方法 看護系大学院を修了した看護管理者 8 名を対象に半構造化面接法を用いて質的記述的に分析を行った. 結果 看護系大学院を修了した看護管理者の役割行動は,【大学院修了者という自信を持ち個や組織の管理を行う】【大学院で学んだ知識や理論を用いて自部署や組織の課題を解決する】【確固とした自己の看護観を示し個を育て患者にその人らしく生きることを支えるための看護を提供する】【看護の質向上を目指し実践者・研究者の視点を持ち続け組織を育てる】【強い組織になるために個に合わせたキャリア支援を行い同じような考えを持つ仲間を増やす】であった. 考察 役割行動は,組織の中で自己の役割を認識し行う行動,看護管理者自身としての行動,実践者と研究者の視点を持つ行動の 3 つに大別された.実践者と研究者の視点から学びを伝えることが自身の役割と認識していた. Purpose To identify the role behavior of nursing managers who had completed a graduate degree in nursing. Method Semi-structured interviews were conducted with eight nursing managers who had completed a graduate nursing program. Data were analyzed qualitatively and descriptively. Results The role of a nursing manager who had completed a graduate degree in nursing was to "manage individuals and organizations with the confidence that they had completed graduate school," "use the knowledge and theories learned to solve problems in the department or organization," "demonstrate a firm view, nurture individuals, and provide patients with care that supported them in living their lives as they saw fit," "aim to improve the quality of nursing care, continue to maintain the perspectives of the practitioners and researchers, and nurture the organization," and “provide personalized career support and increase the number of like-minded individuals to become a strong organization." Discussion Role behaviors were broadly classified into three categories: behaviors based on the recognition of one's own role in the organization, as a nurse manager, and with the perspectives of a practitioner and researcher. Nursing managers recognized their own role as conveying learning from the perspectives of a practitioner and researcher.


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