Utilizing the Tuning Test Item Bank for the Management of Teaching and Learning

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  • Tuningテスト問題バンクの教学マネジメントへの活用


<p>  This study empirically examined how higher education institutions are transformed through the development of a teaching and learning management system. Under the cooperation of the mechanical engineering faculty at Kyushu University, we discuss how program-level educational goals are reflected in subject-level educational goals within a group of faculty members and how they are evaluated in charge of the subjects. The main conclusions are as follows. First, expert judgment was cultivated at a high level among faculty members, regardless of whether they had experience in teaching and learning management. The feature of the discipline of mechanical engineering and the organizational routines contribute to enhancing the expert judgment among faculty members. Second, organizational routines sharing educational goals and evaluation tasks between skilled and junior faculty members and the sharing of educational goals at the program level through the confirmation of graduate school entrance exam questions are the keys to enhancing organizational learning.</p>


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