Simulation of Multiple Plants in District Heating and Cooling Systems and Proposal of Operation Matrix for Optimum Heat Interchange

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  • 地域冷暖房システムにおける複数プラントのシミュレーション構築と熱融通運用手法


<p>A district heating and cooling system that generates and supplies heat multiple buildings in an area is an effective measure for energy conservation in commercial buildings. However, a complicated situation arises when plants are constructed sequentially as buildings are developed. In such cases, the potential for efficiency improvement of whole system by heat interchange between plants is promising. Because heat interchange is expected to increase the pump power, it is necessary to understand the operating behavior of the plants. This study proposes an efficient operation method of heat interchange in a district heating and cooling system with two plants through simulation. First, we developed a detailed simulation program. The program considered pressure distribution of the piping system; therefore, it allowed theoretical calculation of pump power. By using this simulation model, we proposed a matrix of control set values that effectively executes heat interchange. The control set values included the direction and amount of heat interchange. The matrix is expected to enable operating managers to implement heat interchange appropriately in various operating situations.</p>


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