Factors Leading to Young Carers: A Questionnaire Survey Conducted Among High School Students

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  • 子どもがケアを担う背景・要因の検討――高校生を対象としたヤングケアラーに関する質問紙調査――
  • コドモ ガ ケア オ ニナウ ハイケイ ・ ヨウイン ノ ケントウ : コウコウセイ オ タイショウ ト シタ ヤング ケアラー ニ カンスル シツモンシ チョウサ

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<p>This study identified the factors leading to children assuming caring roles (i.e., being or becoming young carers) by using the results of two questionnaire surveys conducted among prefectural high school students in Osaka and Saitama prefectures, Japan (n =5,133 and 3,850, respectively). Accordingly, 265 (5.2%) and 202 (5.2%) high school students were identified as young carers in Osaka and Saitama, respectively. Subsequently, logistic regression analysis was applied to the percentage of young carers, and factors such as family type and economic status were included as explanatory variables. The following two analyses were performed: using all students (Analysis 1) and using only those with family members who had disabilities, illnesses, or other special needs (n =645 and 530, respectively; Analysis 2). Analysis 1 revealed that living with grandparents and a lack of economic resources were significantly correlated with a higher percentage of young carers. Analysis 2 indicated that living with grandparents, a lack of economic resources, and the care and support needs of family members (mother in particular) were significantly associated with a higher percentage of young carers. These results should be considered in promoting the identification of and support for young carers in Japan.</p>


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