Ecological risk analysis of soil pollution for soil animals

  • KANEKO Nobuhiro
    Institute of Environmental Science and Technology, Yokohama National University, 79-7 Tokiwadai, Yokohama 240-8501, Japan
  • 久松 真紀子
  • 中西 準子
    Institute of Environmental Science and Technology, Yokohama National University, 79-7 Tokiwadai, Yokohama 240-8501, Japan

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  • 土壌汚染による土壌動物に関する生態リスクの解析
  • ドジョウ オセン ニ ヨル ドジョウ ドウブツ ニ カンスル セイタイ リスク ノ カイセキ

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<p>Recent studies on analysis of ecological risk to soil animals caused by the soil pollution were reviewed. Individual chronic toxicity tests on soil animals have been extrapolated into commu nity level toxic effects; both growth and reproduction retardation by pesticides, heavy metals and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). An increase of ecological risk for soil animals leads ecological risk of soil ecosystems, because the soil ecological services, such as litter decomposition and nutrient cycling, organ ized by soil animals may be lost due to loss of soil animals and/or changes in soil faunal composition. We need to collect basic data on ecological toxicity of Japanese species of soil animals. In the same time, the system level assessment method should be established for risk analysis of soil ecosystem.</p>


  • Edaphologia

    Edaphologia 67 (0), 1-14, 2001

    The Japanese Society of Soil Zoology

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