IoTeach: Prototyping and Evaluation of Learning Support System for IoT Programming by Integrating Real Devices and Sequential Contents


Bibliographic Information

Other Title
  • IoTeach: 実世界と順序型コンテンツを連携したIoT学習支援システムの試作と評価


<p>In recent years, as the IoT has become popular, there are more requirements for sharing operation/mechanisms of IoT devices, such as Arduino and M5Stack. In addition, because of the corona disaster, many educational institutions adopted online lectures, such as on-demand tutorial videos and live lectures using video conference systems. For IoT programming education, these methods have problems such as lack of linkage with real-world devices and source codes. In this study, we propose a system called “IoTeach”, which supports learning of IoT programming by attaching a script language on sequential contents such as videos and slides shared on the Web. Thus, the IoTeach can link videos and slides with real-world IoT devices and source code. In this paper, we describe the concept and implementation of the system. We also perform a basic evaluation and discuss challenges and prospects.</p>


  • Computer Software

    Computer Software 40 (3), 3_97-3_112, 2023-07-25

    Japan Society for Software Science and Technology

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    • JaLC
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