3D microstructural evolution in sintering observed by X-ray microtomography

  • Okuma Gaku
    Research Center for Structural Materials, National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS) Laboratory for Materials and Structures, Institute of Innovative Research, Tokyo Institute of Technology


<p>Sintering is a crucial process in the production of ceramics, where particles are bonded and interstitial pore space is reduced. The morphological evolution during sintering was studied by X-ray microtomography, which reveals a topological model described by Euler characteristics as a function of relative density. Domain coarsening was observed, where the characteristic length increased with densification. Sintering stress and bulk viscosity were derived from microtomographic images and compared to values obtained through discontinuous sinter forging. Results showed good agreement, suggesting that X-ray microtomography can provide reliable measurements of sintering parameters.</p>



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