Generation of shoulder internal and external rotation motion illusion with simultaneous stimulation of skin stretch and vibration
- Zhong Yuqi
- Kyushu University
- Nishikawa Satoshi
- Kyushu University
- Kiguchi Kazuo
- Kyushu University
<p>It has been shown that two kinds of phenomenon called kinesthetic illusion and tonic vibration reflex (TVR) are induced by providing vibration stimulation to tendon of muscle. Here comes to a possibility that using kinesthetic illusion to generate sensation of movement and/or using TVR to achieve the movement. This research focuses on the generation of kinesthetic illusion of shoulder external rotation by stimulating infraspinatus. In order to increase the kinesthetic illusion effect, the study focuses on frequency of the vibration stimulation and simultaneous skin stretch. It has been shown that 80Hz generate the most effective kinesthetic illusion. Furthermore, the result shows that simultaneous skin stretch increases the amount of kinesthetic illusion.</p>
- The Proceedings of the Conference on Information, Intelligence and Precision Equipment : IIP
The Proceedings of the Conference on Information, Intelligence and Precision Equipment : IIP 2023 (0), IIPC-5-14-, 2023
The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390860532056459264
- 24243140
- Text Lang
- en
- Data Source
- JaLC
- Crossref
- Abstract License Flag
- Disallowed