Mechanisms of Galvanic Corrosion and Countermeasures

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  • 異種金属接触腐食の機構と対策


<p>Materials for the various parts of products, are selected to match the required function of the part. As such, in many cases products feature a combination of different materials. When such products are used in contact with an electrolyte, the materials with potential on the less noble side may become severely damaged by galvanic corrosion. In this paper, definitions, mechanisms, corrosion examples of galvanic corrosion, and countermeasures (appropriate selection of materials, decrease in cathode/anode area ratio, increase in circuit resistance, insulation, and others) are described. A boundary element analysis system developed for prediction and diagnosis of galvanic corrosion and cathodic protection is also introduced.</p>


  • Zairyo-to-Kankyo

    Zairyo-to-Kankyo 72 (8), 218-227, 2023-08-10

    Japan Society of Corrosion Engineering


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