Reconsideration of the correlation structure between the IAT and the paper-pencil IAT, and proposal of a new version of the IAT using voice
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- Other Title
- IAT、紙筆版IATの特性の再検討および音声版IATの提案
- IAT 、 シヒツバン IAT ノ トクセイ ノ サイケントウ オヨビ オンセイバン IAT ノ テイアン
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In sociological surveys, social consciousness is typically measured using methods such as Semantic Differential (SD) techniques and Likert scales. However, these methods may potentially include various biases in the respondents’ answers. In this study, we aimed to overcome the limitations of such methods and utilize the measurement method of implicit attitudes that has been extensively researched in the field of social psychology, namely the Implicit Association Test (IAT). We pursue two main objectives: first, to reconsider the correlation structure between the existing IAT and explicit indicators; and second, to propose a new IAT that can be used in population surveys, employing voice stimuli instead of text. We conducted measurements using the existing IAT, the paper-pencil IAT, the new IAT using voice (referred to as the voice-based IAT), and the SD method with 96 experimental participants. We utilize these data for analysis. The results of the data analysis revealed that the order of administration of the IAT and the paper-pencil IAT had a significant impact. Specifically, a correlation between the existing IAT and the paper-pencil IAT was observed only when the paper-pencil version was administered first, and correlations between the paper-pencil IAT and explicit indicators were observed only under this condition. Furthermore, we demonstrated that the new voice-based IAT could effectively measure implicit associations. However, several issues were identified with it. Addressing these issues could lead to the new voice-based IAT becoming a novel and valuable tool for measuring implicit associations.
- 関西大学社会学部紀要
関西大学社会学部紀要 55 (1), 1-21, 2023-09-30
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390860642192724224
- NII Book ID
- AN00046982
- 10112/0002000366
- 033119580
- 02876817
- Text Lang
- ja
- Data Source
- JaLC
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