Effects of Japanese EFL Learners’ Acoustic Short-Term Memory on English Word Reproduction Skills
- KONDO Akiko
- Hyogo University of Teacher Education
People have often intuitively sensed the link between musical ability and L2 oral proficiency. Previous studies have also shown a positive relationship between music and language. However, only a few researchers have investigated the relationship between musical ability and L2 pronunciation skills through empirical investigations in the field of memory. Therefore, this study focuses on determining the impact of acoustic shortterm memory on L2 pronunciation skills. Seventy Japanese university students participated in this study. The acoustic short-term memory capacity of the participants was analyzed and measured in this study by using two tests, the Tonal Memory Span Test and Rhythm Memory Span Test, while the L2 pronunciation skills were measured using the English Word Reproduction Test. The results of the correlation and regression analyses indicated that the acoustic short-term memory measured by the tests had significant positive effects on English word reproduction skills and that tonal memory capacity had stronger effects than rhythm memory capacity. Although this study has several limitations, the results of the study provided a detailed and comprehensive understanding of the impact of musical ability on the L2 pronunciation skills of participants. It also provided some pedagogical implications for improving L2 pronunciation teaching.
- 外国語教育メディア学会機関誌
外国語教育メディア学会機関誌 55 (0), 71-95, 2018
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詳細情報 詳細情報について
- 1390860940787775488
- 40021766088
- AA11577049
- 21857814
- 21857792
- 029417782
- 本文言語コード
- en
- データソース種別
- JaLC
- NDLサーチ
- CiNii Articles
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