言葉と存在 : シュテファン・ゲオルクの一つの詩に対するハイデッガーの解釈を中心として

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  • Word and Being
  • 言葉と存在--シュテファン・ゲオルグの一つの詩に対するハイデッガーの解釈を中心として
  • コトバ ト ソンザイ シュテファン ゲオルグ ノ ヒトツ ノ シ ニ タイスル ハイデッガー ノ カイシャク オ チュウシン ト シテ



Referring to Holderlin's "Bret und Wein"(Bread and Wine), Heidegger remarks: in 'Sagen' (saying) was once the approach to Gods, but it is not now.....; which suggests that 'being' has been already lost in the modern age. Further he goes on to quote Antigone's exclamation from Sophocles 'tragedy: "Not now, indeed, nor yesterday, but for aye It lives, and no man knows what time it (the unwritten and unerring law) came" It is by these words that Heidegger makes an endeavour to express the absolute brightness of 'being' rather in the negative way contrary to Hegel's exposition of them; and he brings his endeavour to effect by analyzing Stefan George's poem "Das Wort"(The Word) after his own fashion. Here his aim is to explain that words as such cannot express the concrete brightness of 'being' directly until they are relinquished from the definition by abstract conceptions.


  • 言語科学

    言語科学 2 7-17, 1966-03-05


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