Excellent strain selection, functional analysis and product development of Japanese knotweed (<i>Fallopia japonica</i>)

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  • 郷土山菜イタドリの優良系統選抜と機能性成分の分析および商品開発
  • キョウド サンサイ イタドリ ノ ユウリョウ ケイトウ センバツ ト キノウセイ セイブン ノ ブンセキ オヨビ ショウヒン カイハツ

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Japanese knotweed (Fallopia japonica) is a local wild plant eaten mainly in mountainous areas in Wakayama prefecture. However, the yield in the mountains has been decreasing due to damage caused by deer feeding etc. Instead of harvesting wild knotweed, cultivation is undertaken by farmers in several areas. It is needed to supply excellent strain with desirable properties such as large yields and easy peeling for efficient cultivation. In order to accommodate the needs of farmers, we conducted a characteristic survey of Japanese knotweed sampled in Wakayama Prefecture, selected excellent strains, and worked on the propagation by tissue culture. The seedlings are purchasable at Biocenter Nakatsu (1052-1, Takatsuo, Hidakagawa town, Wakayama, Japan). In addition, in order to lead to new utilization of Japanese knotweed, functional analysis and product development was conducted through joint research with ʻItadori-bukaiʼ, a local producer group in Hidakagawa town. Functional analysis revealed that the tips of young buds, fl owers, and skins of Japanese knotweed, which were unused so far, contained a large amount of polyphenols. Jam paste, salad dressing, and health tea have been developed using the unused parts. These products are on sale at farmerʼs market in Hidakagawa town.


  • Journal of Crop Research

    Journal of Crop Research 68 (0), 7-13, 2023-06-21

    The Society of Crop Science and Breeding in Kinki, Japan

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