本邦中・長距離種目の競技者におけるレース直前期の コンディショニングに関する研究  ~いわゆる「刺激」の内容および実践するタイミングに着目して~

  • 小畠 翼
  • 林 容市
    法政大学大学院スポーツ健康学研究科 法政大学文学部心理学科
  • 高見 京太
    法政大学大学院スポーツ健康学研究科 法政大学スポーツ健康学部スポーツ健康学科


  • Strategies for high-intensity training in the tapering period for middle- and long-distance runners in Japan
  • ホンポウ チュウ ・ チョウキョリ シュモク ノ キョウギシャ ニ オケル レース チョクゼン キ ノ コンディショニング ニ カンスル ケンキュウ : イワユル 「 シゲキ 」 ノ ナイヨウ オヨビ ジッセン スル タイミング ニ チャクモク シテ



<p>Abstract Purpose:This study aimed to determine strategies for high-intensity training before races in middle- and long-distance runners in Japan. Methods:A questionnaire was used to survey 233 middle- and long-distance runners, which consisted of 63 junior high school students, 78 high school students, 58 university students, and 33 runners from company teams. The frequency, date, intensity, and distance of high-intensity training in the tapering period were investigated in these runners. Result:This study showed that 98.4% of middle- and long-distance runners performed high-intensity training in the tapering period. In addition, 61.6% of middle- and long-distance runners performed highintensity training 1 day before a race. Furthermore, 63.8% of subjects chose a 1000 m running distance for high-intensity training during the tapering period. Of the runners performing high-intensity training during the tapering period, 70.3% were training at a faster pace than their race pace. Moreover, it was clear that many runners in the junior high school age group performed high-intensity training before races; however, significantly fewer performed it 1 day before races compared to other age groups ( p < 0.01). Conclusion:In 2021, many runners in Japan are still using the same strategy of high-intensity training before a race as that used in 1995. Furthermore, new insights were gained into high-intensity training strategies before races in the junior high school age group. </p>


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