Categorizing of Career Plateau and Their Characteristics in Generalist Nurses with at Least Five Years of Nursing Experience

  • Kawaguchi Kazuko
    Department of Nursing Faculty of Nursing Fukuoka International University of Health and Welfare
  • Hatono Yoko
    Department of Health Sciences, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kyushu University

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  • 看護師経験5年以上のジェネラリスト看護師におけるキャリア・プラトーの類型化とその特徴

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<p>Objective: This study aimed at clarifying the career plateau that occurs in female generalist nurses with five or more years of nursing experience and the characteristics of the nurses belonging to each career plateau type. Methods: A self-administered, anonymous questionnaire survey was administrated to 1,637 female generalist nurses having five or more years of experience working at hospitals. We employed hierarchical cluster analysis using the Euclidean distance and Ward’s method to analyze the career plateauing scale scores and subsequently carried out the Kruskal-Wallis test with Bonferroni correction, followed by the chi-square test and residual analysis. Results: According to the analysis of the data from 732 respondents (valid response rate: 44.7%), we classified career plateau into the following types: Double Plateau, Hierarchical Plateau, Non-Plateau, and Content Plateau. Significant differences were found among the types in terms of age, years of nursing experience, years of hospital work, presence or absence of children, motivation to learn, and human relationships at work. Conclusions: It was suggested that early detection of plateauing and early intervention in career development tailored for the individual are essential based on consideration of individual female nurses’ background and the type and characteristics of their career plateau.</p>


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