Specialty and Training Program for Pre-primary School Teachers in Bangladesh


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Other Title
  • バングラデシュの就学前教育教員に求められる専門性と養成内容


This study examined skills and abilities required for pre-primary school teachers and their training programs in Bangladesh. First, this study surveyed the “teacher’s guide” compared with the actual teaching activities to understand the specialization of pre-primary teachers. Second, it analyzes the pre-primary teacher training program and discusses the details of the training using data from interview and questionnaire for one teacher. The results revealed that pre-primary school teachers are expected to have skills to systematically organize teaching activities and effectively interact and play with children. In particular, organization skills for teaching were instructed for 13 days of 15-day training. By contrast, skills for interacting and playing with children were trained for only 1 day each, which may be insufficient. Nonetheless, skills instructed for interacting with children were useful for teachers whose major is not pedagogy. In conclusion, specialties of pre-primary school teachers should be considered according to each country’s specific requirements.


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    • JaLC
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