Agri-environmental schemes in EU and their effectiveness on biodiversity conservation

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  • EU における農業環境事業の概要と生物多様性保全におけるその有効性

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Agri-environmental schemes (AESs) are a sort of environmental payment that rewards farmers for their contribution to enhance environment and landscape values on their farm land. AESs implemented in EU are the major policy for the conservation of wild animals and plants in agricultural landscape. Since the agricultural land in EU accounts for 42% of its territorial area, the success of AESs is crucial to enhance biodiversity not only in farmed area but in whole land of EU. AESs are being operated in 28 member-countries of EU before withdrawal of UK and two non-member countries of EU, Swiss and Norway. The rapid intensification of agriculture after World War II deprived the farm land of biodiversity and caused contamination of underground water due to increased agri-chemical use and rearing greater number of livestock. These problems imposed the MacSharry reform on the adoption of AESs over the whole land of EU in 1992. AESs consist of two groups of options, one aims to extensificaton of farming and transition to organic farming, and the other aims to the protection of biodiversity on the farmland. The budget allocated to AEMs is so huge and important to protect biodiversity on the farmland that the efficacy of them has been widely examined. Five articles reviewed here analysed AESs and organic farming through meta-analyses whether they brought positive effects on enhancing biodiversity on the farmland, and all concluded AESs and organic farming effectively raise both/either species richness and/or abundance there.


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