Measuring the Magnetic Susceptibility of River Sand: New Possibilities for River Sand as a Science Teaching Material

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  • デジタル式帯磁率測定器を用いた河川砂の帯磁率測定 : 理科教材としての河川砂の新たな可能性について

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This study focuses on iron sand as an indicator of the diversification of river sands in the rock cycle. Magnetic susceptibility was applied as an indicator of differences in the degree of iron sand concentration. Conditions for measuring the magnetic susceptibility of river sands were studied and summarized as a measurement procedure using a digital magnetic susceptibility meter. Magnetic susceptibility experiments were conducted in the upper reaches of the Hii River system in Shimane Prefecture, Japan. Comparing the magnetic susceptibility of river sand with that of the surrounding rock, the susceptibility measurements differed between sand and rock, indicating a potential bimodal frequency distribution linked to the diversification of river sands. As a result, we recommend using river sands as a science teaching material for magnetic susceptibility.


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