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  • The Teachers’ Roles in Authentic Literacy Instruction in Secondary School
  • チュウトウ キョウイク ダンカイ ニ オケル シン セイ ノ リテラシー キョウイク ジッセン デ モトメラレル キョウシ ノ ヤクワリ



In this study, I picked up Eastman & Rasmussens’ proposal about authentic literacy instruction and examined authentic literacy assessment in secondary school English language arts classes. Eastman and Rasmussen said that authentic literacy means doing the things effective readers, writers, and communicator do in their lives beyond school. So we as literacy educators need to know what effective readers, writers, and communicator do in their lives beyond school, and to think how to grow authentic literacy in secondary school English language arts classes. Through this study, I clarified three points;( 1) Authentic literacy instruction is student-centered and skill-based learning. Teachers needs to look closely at students, listen to students’ voices and know students’ literate lives.( 2) Trusting relationship between teachers and students is very important to foster independent reader, writer, and communicator. So students need to give teachers feedback about their literacy learning, and authentic literacy teachers give students feedback that feed forward their literacy learning. (3) Through authentic literacy instruction, teachers need to help students foster a sense of agency as authentic reader, writer, and communicator. Teachers can best accomplish this by using questions and prompts that empowers the students.


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