

  • Survey on the Actual Work of Registered Sales Clerks of Pharmaceuticals and Their Awareness of Changes in the Pharmaceutical Sales System
  • イヤクヒン トウロク ハンバイシャ ノ ギョウム ノ ジツジョウ ト イヤクヒン ハンバイ セイド ヘンコウ ニ タイスル イシキ チョウサ



<p>Objective: The “One-half Rule” for OTC drug sales has been eliminated, and furthermore, “Remote-controlled sales” of OTC medicines by qualified sellers is under discussion. The number of registered sales clerks is greater than the number of pharmacists selling OTC drugs. Although this is a result of the different employment status of pharmacists and registered sales clerks due to their salary structure and role in the store, it can be said that registered sales clerks are the main people to deal with the general public when they purchase OTC drugs. Therefore, we conducted a survey of registered sales clerks in order to understand their actual work and their awareness of the revision of the system, and to estimate the impact on customers and patients.</p><p>Methods: The questionnaire was administered at an external training session held by the Tokyo Metropolitan Druggist Association from April 16 to 18, 2022.</p><p>Results: Valid responses were obtained from 319 participants. Responses were obtained for the ratio of work as a registered sales clerk before becoming a qualified, after qualification (present), and what they think would be an ideal work ratio. The percentage of “pharmaceutical consultation and sales” increased from 7.7 to 15.9, and finally 26.4% before, at present, and ideally, respectively. It was clear that the acquisition of the certification increased the percentage of specialized tasks and that the respondents would like to further increase this percentage. Awareness of the “One-half Rule” and “Remote-controlled sales” was 43.6 and 23.8%, respectively.</p><p>Conclusion: It was inferred that the introduction of “Remote-controlled sales” would improve convenience but dilute interpersonal work, which would hinder the operation, maintenance, and management of the store, including courteous customer service that cannot be handled through a screen. Therefore, from this study, we believe that registered sales clerks express doubt about the introduction of “Remote-controlled sales”.</p>


  • 医薬品情報学

    医薬品情報学 25 (4), 189-194, 2024-02-29

    一般社団法人 日本医薬品情報学会

詳細情報 詳細情報について

