Activities of the Global Bioenergy Partnership (GBEP): Outcomes and Expected Contributions

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  • 国際バイオエネルギー・パートナーシップの活動の変遷―これまでの成果と今後の方向性―

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With advancing global climate change, the introduction of bioenergy with a carbon-neutral nature is necessary, and its importance is increasing worldwide. However, the introduction of bioenergy entails certain problems from the viewpoint of sustainability, such as food-fuel competition and deforestation. Several efforts have been undertaken globally to address these issues, including the establishment of the Global Bioenergy Partnership (GBEP). GBEP is a partnership of nations and organizations that was established in 2006 based on the idea that bioenergy can significantly contribute to energy access and security, climate change mitigation, and food security, ultimately facilitating sustainable development. Currently, more than 80 countries and organizations are GBEP members. Although Japan has actively supported GBEP activities since its establishment, the paretnership’s activities are not well known in Japan. To promote bioenergy in Japan, it is important to clarify the types of activities that have been conducted by GBEP so far and identify the direction that GBEP should work in to promote sustainable bioenergy. This study reviews the history of GBEP’s activities in detail, outlines its roles, and determines its future challenges and directions.


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