Game theory approach for autonomous mobility-assisted Piggyback network with mm-wave links

  • Yamamoto Daisuke
    Department of Electrical Engineering, Tokyo University of Science
  • Hasegawa So
    Social-ICT System Laboratory, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology
  • Shoji Yozo
    Social-ICT System Laboratory, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology
  • Hasegawa Mikio
    Department of Electrical Engineering, Tokyo University of Science


<p>A Piggyback network, which is a store-carry-forward network organized by working mobilities of delivery trucks and serving robots, realizes a large-scale data distribution platform. However, when the working mobilities participate in the Piggyback network, the data carrying and forwarding tasks influence their original tasks, resulting in additional transfer costs necessitating appropriate data transfer management. This study proposes a data-transfer management scheme in the Piggyback network. We have developed an algorithm based on the Stackelberg game to balance the end-to-end throughput and the cost required by working mobilities for each data delivery, and we have formulated a rule for the users to select the best mobility based on the balanced throughput and costs. The simulation results show that the proposed method maximizes the utility and achieves a high average throughput of the entire network.</p>


  • IEICE Communications Express

    IEICE Communications Express 13 (4), 118-121, 2024-04-01

    The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers


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